Why We Give Financially

Nathan Klahsen   -  

Growing up, I was blessed with an example of giving.  My parents were an example of giving out of a generous heart.  Looking back, I am thankful for that example, but even with that example I need a constant reminder of why I give, why I should, and why it’s a part of my worship.  I’ve never met a pastor that enjoyed talking about money, and I am one of them.  But as I think about the act of worship through offering, I am reminded of how much of an issue of the heart this is. In the time we find ourselves in, I am amazed and how our idols seem to be rearing their ugly heads and how we need to be actively fighting them.  So I will take some time to walk through why it’s important.  And I must be clear on something, this is more than just an issue with keeping the lights on at the building, but an act of worship.

When we are able to gather, we have this part of our worship service. This is a time that as Christians we freely give to the work of the Lord, but is that something we just do on Sundays? Offerings are far more than simply the cheque we write on Sunday. We are to offer much more to God than our monetary resources. Romans 12:1 exhorts us to offer our bodies “as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God” as part of our worship. Romans 6:13 gives the reason for offering ourselves: because we are “those who have been brought from death to life,” and, as such, we are to “offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.” God is not nearly as interested in our monetary offerings as He is in our submission and obedience. The truth is that He doesn’t need our resources to accomplish His plans and purposes. After all, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10) and needs nothing from us. What He desires, however, and what He values, is the heart that overflows with gratitude and thanksgiving to the God who saved us and who gives us all things, knowing our needs before we even ask (Matthew 6:8). It is that kind of heart that gives generously, willingly, and cheerfully in response to the love and grace that abound in Christ and what the Apostle Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians 9:6–8. So will you join with us as we worship God by giving of our finances? Even in this unprecedented times, let us continue to worship through giving.

Here are some other articles on tithing/offering

Should a Christian Tithe?

The Bible Commands Christians to Tithe

7 Reasons Christians are not Required to Give

Here are some options to continue worshipping through giving during this pandemic

  • Go to www.knollwood.ca/giving to give online via debit card or credit card.
  • Through text message by sending a text to 84321 with the amount you want to donate.
  • During this time that we are not gathering to worship, you can give via Interac transfer by sending your gift to treasurer@knollwood.ca
  • Put your envelope in the church mailbox at the east door.  Beth will be picking up mail each weekday around 12 noon.
  • Lastly, you can contact Kevin Knight at treasurer@knollwood.ca.  He will arrange for someone to come to your home to pick up your offering.